Just think how boring life would be if everyone thought the same. No ups,  no 
downs.  No Lefts, no rights.
No outs, no ins.  Yes, life would be boring.  And so might this  list, but I 
truly hope not.  Remember what is said about the "Spice of  Life" and that no 
one ever forgets to forgive...
Best Wishes Lori!
In a message dated 11/18/2008 11:54:20 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

So very kind of you!  LOL.  And you are probably  the only person on the list 
who has the voluntary  movement TO kick me in the head!  LOL.
But it is what it is between my ears (no comments from the  peanut gallery!) 
that needs to be kicked and the part of the brain that  wants/edges me on to 
post something here about politics!
Lori  :-)

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 2:22 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) > wrote:

I would never consider doing that Lori, to you.  Now maybe kicking  you in 
the knee would be acceptable or maybe the other knee, but the head's  off 
Best Wishes
In a message dated 11/17/2008 3:01:16 P.M. Central Standard Time, 

As I have written to a few others off list -- the next  time I talk about 
politics or religion HERE -- you all have my permission  to come and kick me in 
the head for doing so!
There is nothing new under the sun that everyone  has different opinions and 
feelings ( and these are emotionally  charging topics ) and there should be a 
separate forum for  that.
The majority who feel my way abt a power political  situation re staying 
silent.  They are the smart ones.   :-)
As far as sex -- if you go  back in the archives -- I talked a lot about sex 
and my sex  life.  :-)   


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