
What state do you live in -OR- in what state was there an "alleged" ADA 

I would be very careful about looking for an ADA attorney outside your own 
state.  Each state was required to have it's own laws pertaining to the ADA.  
The Federal ADA laws are a *minimum*.  Some states go beyond that federal 
minimum while others simply restate it.

An attorney in your state would likely file suit both in federal court and in 
state court.

Alternately, your state's Attorney General's office can help you file any 
complaint in violation of state or federal laws (or both as a "dual filed" 

Also, there's often a 180 day deadline for filing a complaint.  (But a recent 
Supreme Court ruling may have ensured that "ongoing" violations can be filed 
any time the discrimination still exists... the Lily Ledbetter case.)

Let me know where you are and I'll ask around.

Best wishes!

---- Merrill <> wrote: 
> Is there a favorite ADA attorney or ADA web site anyone wishes to recommend?
> Merrill

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