Hi Cyndi...

I'm a C5/6 Q also.  When I first began using a power chair (25 yrs ago) my 
biggest difficulty was keeping my hand on the joystick control.  I was in a 
halo and my hand kept slipping off the joystick in whatever direction I might 
have been pushing, pulling or whatever.

I asked my PT/OT and/or nurse to help me by fastening a medicine cup upside 
down on top of my joystick ball -- the type of cup used with Pepto Bismol or 
used to dispense meds in a hospital.  I had a matching cup on the palm of my 
wrist splint.  This was occasionally a problem if I had a spasm but my 
arms/hands rarely did that.

The cup on the splint palm fit perfectly over the one on the joystick... and it 
slide off.  This was occasionally a problem if I had a spasm but my arms/hands 
rarely did that.

Now I use a 'T' style joystick made of metal brake line tubing that we 
carefully bent to 80-90 degrees about halfway up.  (It looks like a "limp T.")

I hope that gives you some ideas.  Get creative.  Use things around the house.  
Eventually you'll come up with something that works better than anything you 
could EVER buy.

Best wishes & Good Luck!
... and as others have said, Get your husband on this list!!  It's a 
combination of everyone's PT, OT, Docs, Nurses and personal experiences!  
There's no better place for him to get info and be part of a public, social 
community!  Extremely healthy for a new Quad (aka Q, in my book.)

Tod Santee

> --- On Fri, 4/17/09, Cyndi Davis <momofmany0...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi!  How do you all drive your power chairs?  My husband is a c5,6 quad, 1 
> yr. post.  He has limited use of some shoulder muscles, but not enough 
> control of his arm to work the joystick on his power chair.  A friend 
> suggested getting some kind of head control:  sip & puff, chin control or 
> head control.  When we had the OT do an evaluation, she said he should get 
> enough use back to drive with his arm.  She suggested a "T" shaped joystick.  
> We just saw a "U" shaped piece on another quad's joystick (someone made his 
> 29 yrs ago).  He sets his wrist in the opening and goes where he wants to.  
> The children and I drive my husband around for now (our 2yr. old boy loves 
> driving his Dad's chair - but he runs into everything! so I don't allow him 
> to.  He only drives when my back is turned!).  It would be nice for my 
> husband to have some independance.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!  
> momofmany0...@yahoo.com

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