Hi Daniel,

Welcome to the list!  It is always more interesting when more diverse ideas and 
view are shared between people of different nationalities.  I am sure if you 
continue participating on this list we will learn from you as much as you can 
learn from all of us!

Regarding your problem, I think you have received some of the best advice any 
of us on this list can give without knowing more about exactly what your 
problem with defecation (bowel movement) is and how it affects you.

Some questions that might help us to better understand your problem are the 
   * It is difficult to have a bowel movement (defecate) even when you are full?
   * Is it happening too often or is it very watery (like diarrhea)?
   * Or maybe it is very unpredictable?  Does it seem to happen at just any 
time of the day and night for no apparent reason?
   * Does it cause "pain" that makes you sweat or gives you bad, pounding 
   * Or does it happen so easily or quickly that you don't even know until 
everything is already a mess?

I'm sorry to ask so many personal questions but any one of these problems  OR  
any certain combination of more than one can suggest different answers to your 

If the problem is difficulty having a predictable bowel movement (most common 
for 'beginners') I would suggest trying to do it each night or each morning at 
the same time every day.  If you can't make your bowels empty by themselves 
there is a common laxative suppository used by many quads that contains 10mg 
bisacodyl (brand name "Dulcolax" here in the US and also in a faster-acting 
suppository called a "Magic Bullet.")

After getting your body on a very regular and predictable schedule you can try 
to make the time between longer; trying to do it every 2 days instead of every 

The potential for success in doing things like this will depend a lot on how 
well your body reacts to a schedule (or changing a schedule), it will depend on 
whatyou eat and how much you eat, and will also largely depend on the support 
system you have to help keep you on a strict schedule.  If someone has to help 
you but they are only available on occasion it will be very difficult.  Staying 
on a schedule is extremely important to be successful in regulating your body's 

A good support system of family members and people who can help you and work 
with you regularly can be extremely important in staying healthy... that is 
especially true if you have not had the paralysis for a long time.

I wish you the very best luck.  I am sure others on this Quad List will also be 
happy to help in any way they can.


> -----OrIgInal Message-----
> From: kalIn Iordanov <mekall...@abv.bg>
> To: quad-lIst@eskImo.com
> Sent: Wed, Nov 18, 2009 2:49 PM
> Subject: [QUAD-L] I need help
>  HI guys! My name Is DanIel.I have been quadrIplegIc for 10 years,I'm In 
> terrIble condItIon.no feelIngs from the neck down or any of the organs .I am 
> from BulgarIa and the health care for people lIke us here Is  
> over-neglected,we are sImply left by our selves !I have many problems,you can 
> ImagIne,but the bIggest one Is wIth defecatIon.Its terrIble !and I've been 
> trough a lot!can you please help me!I'm sure some of you have been trough 
> that!please gIve me InformatIon about medIcatIon or anythIng that can help!
> thank you!!
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Вижте водещите новини от VestI.bg!

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