My first vehicle, a full-size van, was purchased with funds raised through a 
charity dance my church held for me after my accident.  We had 5 bands, food, 
raffles--all donated!  The whole town turned out, and raised close to $20 
grand.  It was amazing!  Just one of the advantages of living in a small town.  
VR did not help.

My second vehicle, a Dodge Caravan Minivan, I got for a steal.  The own, a 
quad, died and his family wanted to sell it to someone who could use it.  The 
vehicle fit me so well I barely had to adjust the mirrors!  Paid $2,500 cash 
[with help from parents.]  It lasted 13 years, I believe.  Toward the end I was 
throwing a lot of repair money into it.  Never did get the A.C. to work 
properly [a BIG deal in Arizona!]

I financed my current vehicle, a Honda Element.  Bought it used through a buddy 
that works at an auto dealership.  Because I am employed, and need 
transportation to remain so, Vocational Rehabilitation [VR] paid for the 

Due to the economy many states have frozen or cut their VR funding.  Still, I 
suggest giving VR a try, you just never know.


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