Sure, but having access to one is one thing.  Figuring out how to make and 
program a decent one is completely different.

I'm guessing that's why he mentioned it's what happens when programmers get 
bored.  Can be lots of fun if you enjoy the logic behind logic puzzles!


---- Eric W Rudd <> wrote: 
> or google it ;-p
> Eric W Rudd
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Tod E. Santee" <>
> To: <>; <>
> Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 8:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sudoku Helper
> Hi Dave,
> It's been a very long time since I've done any programming and I only have a 
> rudimentary understanding of Sudoku... fact is, I've never successfully 
> finished one without being distracted by something else that caused me to 
> either physically lose the puzzle or mentally lose interest in that 
> particular one.
> That said, I guess a "Sudoku Helper" program would have to be approached as 
> 9 different puzzles inside one larger one.  An array for each address within 
> a 3x3 puzzle looped to scan all 9 3x3s might have to be constructed/coded 
> first.
> If that was all a subroutine inside a full 9x9 puzzle check -- all using the 
> same array addresses above, it seems you'd be off to a good start.  At least 
> I guess that would be my start for shading in incorrect, double-used numbers 
> for those of us who might miss them.  If you're looking at programming such 
> that the computer offers suggestions, that still might be a beginning but 
> I'm thinking the "helper answers" would be different depending on each 
> player's particular solution (assuming there's more than one correct right 
> answer).
> BUT...
> Programming aside, I'd like to see a Computer Sudoku Puzzle with a grid of 
> "usable" numbers within each cell.  I.e. withing one row, all numbers but 4, 
> 5, 6 and 7 are used, within that row all numbers but 4, 6 and 7 are used, 
> and within the 3x3 sub-grid, all numbers but 4 and 7 are used.  SO, at the 
> top or bottom (or both) of that cell the numbers 4 and 7 are displayed.
> I think of my school seating chart setup... Each square contains a student's 
> name.  Five smaller inner squares at the top of the square (or cell) 
> correspond to the 5 school days of week #1 and 5 small squares at the bottom 
> correspond to week #2. (except you'd only need 9 instead of 10 spaces, 
> obviously).
> Something like that would be a huge help to someone like me... I'm too 
> analytical and can't keep myself focused on the parts instead of the whole 
> thing at once, all the time!
> Good luck... maybe you'll stay bored long enough to get it done and even 
> make a profit!  I know my best programming was done when I was either bored 
> or trapped in bed for a long period of time.
> Best wishes!
> --Tod
> ---- wrote:
> > When us programmers get bored...... we do things like  this.    Any of you
> > who are into Sudoku can try this and maybe  give me ideas for refinements.
> > The rules are a bit challenging to put into  code.
> >
> >
> > “Mere longevity is a goodthing for those who watch Life from the  side
> > lines. For those who play the game, an hour may be a year, a single day's 
> > work
> > an achievement foreternity.”
> >
> > _Dave  O'Connell_ (

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