30 years ago this summer I had a little problem with squashed boys.   My 
brother had a rented motor home and wrestled me into the front passenger seat  
and then after returning home, helped me get out by setting me on the floor 
and  pulling on my feet while I sat up,to slide me to the door.  Moe and 
Larry  got run over in the process and swelled up like grapefruit.  I had no 
real  pain other than a dull ache and some mild AD.  Hospital and IV drugs 
got me  back going again but after about 25 years of recurring problems,  
infections, and swelling, Moe had to go.   Larry now hangs  out with mini-me 
everyone is much happier and healthy.  This  reduction in population make 
more room for cleaning and breathing.  I've  noticed that as each year 
passes, all my nether regions are deeper and harder to  keep fresh and healthy. 
try to keep soap away from such areas and rub  liberally with just warm 
water while showering.  One tiny bit of left  behind soap can destroy flesh 
VERY quickly.  Any redness from heat I treat  quickly with diaper ointment and 
often do preventative maintenance with a  jellied baby oil - this is best 
because I can easily get it all the way to the  bottom of every place where 
problems usually start.. it also smells nice.   :)
“Mere longevity is a good thing for those who watch Life from the  side 
lines. For those who play the game, an hour may be a year, a single day's  work 
an achievement for eternity.”

_Dave  O'Connell_ (http://www.users.qwest.net/~daveoc/) 

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