I'm so glad that your injuries were minor. Please be safe out  there in the 
traffic. I never go out into traffic other than in a parking lot,  and even 
then I am extremely careful.

Naomi, C-4 quad since July 2,  2005
In a message dated 6/30/2010 2:47:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
aa999...@yahoo.com writes:

hello  and hope everybody is having a good day. My yesterday could have 
been better  after approaching a four-way stop and proceeded to cross the 
street the car on  my left stopped and unfortunately the other vehicle rolled 
through without  stopping! The only recourse I had was to swerve to my left to 
let the truck  the rear portion of  my chair and essentially and tip me over 
pretty hard  on my left shoulder! It took both my armrest off and thank 
goodness for a good  chest strap which I think kept me from hitting my head. My 
stupid small-town  so many of these four way stops is almost stupid besides 
the roundabouts? So  having a chair that can protect you in any form is a 
great necessity and not  looking forward to any more accidents. Just last 
week somebody ran a red light  right in front of me thank goodness I noticed 
them because they were going 30  mph so please be careful and look multiple 
times before crossing the street  especially major intersections.
Besides my bruised shoulder and somewhat of  my back being a little sore 
considered myself pretty  lucky.

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