I went in the hospital once, they said, I tested positive and  every time 
I've been in the hospital since then, it's like being in quarantine.  They 
come in with the gowns and gloves and treat you like you have the Ebola  
virus. The last time they swapped my nose for testing to see if it was still  
necessary and they said he came back positive again. What ever it is, none of 
my  family members or workers get anything from it. The only good part is, 
I'm  guaranteed a private room. I'm allergic to vancomycin, so I don't know if 
it  gets rid of it or not.

In a message dated 9/18/2010 2:37:23 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
c5sc...@gmail.com writes:

I got rid of mine with Vancomycin  IVs.
Eric W Rudd
_c5sc...@gmail.com_ (mailto:c5sc...@gmail.com) 

----- Original Message ----- 
From:  _yanni...@hotmail.com_ (mailto:yanni...@hotmail.com)  
To: _quad-l...@eskimo.com_ (mailto:quad-list@eskimo.com)  
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2010  12:43 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] MRSA ?

Hi Guys,
My first question is I would like to know if they're  lots of people in the 
Quad community who live with MRSA like me? The MRSA  (Methicillin-Resistant 
Staphylococcus  Aureus) is a bacterial infection resistant to antibiotic 
methicillin.  Is there some of you who add MRSA and finally got rid of it ? 
The problem  with frigin bacteria is that it just won't go away, I had it for 
seven  years, everytime I go to the hospital, it is the same routine all the 
 time, the darn mask! Is there a way to really get rid of that for good  ? 
Let me know, I would really appreciate.
Thanks in advance,
Ps: Info available at: 

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