Hi Don,
I'm sorry to hear about your wound problems also. It's so hard  for us 
because we cannot feel and we don't know if the nurses doing the right  thing. 
They gave me some kind of special IV medication in the hospital. I don't  
remember the name, but it is something they only use at acute centers such as  
KU. My antibiotic for doxycycline will be ending in two days and the plastic 
 surgeon doesn't want to put me on it again, but if you could see the 
world. You  would think it would be a good idea. I tried to call infectious 
disease, but  they did not call me back. The plastic surgeon said he didn't 
they were  going to have to cut any more of my heel away. I will have at 
least two more  weeks of the wound vacuum before they drive plastic surgery, 
which may not work  the first time. It's so horrible to see your foot with 
part of your heel bone  gone. They said the skin graft skin will never be like 
my regular skin and it  always will be fragile and I would have to watch 
very closely. I had enough  problems with my real skin. A lot of people have 
talked about wound vacuum, but  I had no understanding of them. How do you 
get over osteomyelitis? I am not  familiar with that Don?

So you have had plastic surgery on your wound? If  so, how did it go? It's 
hard to imagine.
Thank you so much for your prayers  as I really appreciate and need them.

. In a message dated  6/25/2012 12:10:27 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
scamper2...@att.net writes:

      Glad to hear your doing better, I did see some of your  pics on your 
facebook page.  I also spent a week in the hospital  back in January,  after 
2 months on a wound vac at home my cronic  isceal sore was not responding.  
After a bone scan and mri it was  positive for ostyomyolits.  I had 8 weeks 
of vincomycin at home and  the nurse did my dressing every other day with 
hydra farra blue.   All was fine till the wound clinic nurse changed the type 
of packing to  damp gaze with dacons solution, then after a month to damp 
gaze with  saline.  After a month and a half the drainage was a lot, changing 
 packing 2x daily.  All this was for a 8cm tunnel.  At a  consult with the 
plastic surgeon a month and a half after the nurse  changed to damp dressing 
that she had left 5 pieces of hydra farra blue  in the bottom of the 
tunnel.  Things are healing much better  now.  I do have lack of trust in the 
wound nurse at the wound  clinic though.  I am praying for your speedy  


--- On Mon, 6/25/12, daa...@aol.com  <daa...@aol.com> wrote:

From:  daa...@aol.com <daa...@aol.com>
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Amitiza  and problems after foot surge
To: kw...@comcast.net,  quad-list@eskimo.com
Date: Monday, June 25, 2012, 9:19 AM


Hi Kathy,
I understand that you take this medication in the  morning and also use a 
magic bullet suppository. Do you use any kind  of store softeners or other 
laxative? Have you ever had a bowel  blockage. The literature I read said do 
not take if you have a  bowel  blockage. I will have to read more when I'm on 
my regular  computer.
Is it covered as a prescription drug?
I have often had  problems  bowel blockages so I was just wondering, if you 
ever  have that problem while taking this medication.
Quad friends,
I was recently in the hospital after having foot drop surgery on  May 4. I 
got out of the hospital, 7 June . The doctor did not look at  the site or 
open up the dressing for seven days. He used an external  dictator that was 
left on too long. A UTI infection went septic and I  almost died. I had a 
wound vacuum on, since the day the dressing was  removed. That was seven days 
after the surgery. I am now going to a  plastic surgery clinic and waiting 
until the Dr. decides it's time to  do the skin grafts. it The plastic surgeon 
from KU said it could be  two or three more weeks of wound vacuum. He also 
said the first skin  graft may not take. This has been an ordeal. This was 
done to not have  any more sores on my feet. My sores were really small 
compared to this  horrific sore. The original dimensions were 10.5 cm x 11 cm 
the  back of my heel.
My orthopedic doctor's only comment was, it was on  a little too tight! I 
posted the initial pictures on Facebook. I have  a lot more I have not posted.

I would appreciate any prayers  for the healing of my foot (heel). divine 
intervention is needed with  this doctor's failure to provide proper 
aftercare after my  surgery.

If anyone has any information about skin grafts or  wounds such as this, I 
would appreciate your input.
Dana C 4-5, 37 years post, 58, Prairie Village, Kansas, a suburb  of Kansas 
Jun 24, 2012, at 3:20 PM, "_kwig5@comcast.net_ 
(mip://075cf8e8/mc/compose?to=kw...@comcast.net) " <_kwig5@comcast.net_ 
(mip://075cf8e8/mc/compose?to=kw...@comcast.net) >  wrote:

<1.jpg>    <2.jpg> 

I'm a C4-5 Quad, 20 years.  My doctor prescribed Amitiza about 5 years ago. 
I take 24mg every  morning. I do my bowel care at night. I can't go well 
without it. It  works great for me. I also use the Magic Bullet Suppositories. 
Any  other questions, feel free to ask.

-------Original  Message-------

From: Bill Lang
Date: 6/24/2012  11:22:11 AM
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ 
Subject:  [QUAD-L] Amitiza

Hi Guys,

Anyone using  Amitiza for their Bowel Program?

Since I started  ingesting large dosages of pain meds and using Fentyl 
patches my  program has been an all or nothing event. When, about every 5 days, 
it's all, the Results are disastrous. Seems never ending with wet gas  
passes and the inevitable skin break down. Beyond day 3, it's  dysreflexia 
anytime up until I finally go. Enema as last  resort.

Doc gave me Amitiza starting with one 8mg gel tab  before bedtime.

Does anyone use it, and at what dosage? I  have a box of 8mg and a box of 
24mg. Do you take it every  day?


Sent from Billy Lang C5/6 23 yrs  post

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