Larry, when things like that happen, it is so cool and sort of a 
nature/spiritual kind of experience. One time when my dad was alive....him and 
my mom took a trip to new york to preach at a church they were invited to 
visit, they stopped at a gas station to get gas in their RV travel camper and a 
snow white Dove flew down out of the sky and sit on his shoulder the entire 
time he pumped gas, when he got done the dove just up and gently flew off back 
into the sky. They said they felt like it was a sign from god for them at the 
time.  Dan H*** 

     On Friday, May 15, 2015 8:32 PM, Larry Willis <> 

 Peeps, I had a very strange experience today. I was sitting in my van to 
escape the wind and read a book. My lil dog was in my lap and my desktop held 
my iPad. It was all quiet and peaceful. My lift door was open. Suddenly a 
fluttering sound filled the van. A brown bird with a long beak was sitting on 
the seat just a foot away from me. I talked to him and he tilted his head 
sideways like he understood. After a couple of minutes he jumped over on my 
arm, not ten inches from my face. I continued to talk and he acted like he 
understood every word, cocked his head sideways just like a dog. He was not the 
least bid afraid. I put my face near him and he pecked me on the cheek. This 
went on for about twenty minutes. Then he flew out the door, perched on a bush 
and looked at me, and then flew away. I honestly felt like I had had a 
spiritual experience! And my bark-a-lot chihuahua watched but never made a 
sound. Am I nuts? Or have I been reading too much Edgar Allen Poe? It was a 
neat experience anyway.

Larry Willis
Retired and proud of it


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