My Doc. Put me on a 24 French, way back in the beginning and been on it since I 
got the supra-pubic over 15 years ago...this size will allow sediment through 
easier, I never have a problem, good luck Greg---Dan H*** 

    On Tuesday, November 24, 2015 5:07 PM, greg <> wrote:

 <!--#yiv6634098046 body{font-family:'Arial';font-size:14pt;}#yiv6634098046 
p{display:block;margin:0.00in;}#yiv6634098046 body{}-->Those with a SP cath, 
what size do you use? After how many years? For about 15 years I used a 16F, 
but it started leaking around the cath itself, through the incision. So I 
changed to a 18F. But after only a few years, it's leaking again. Only at 
night. No idea why. Not blocked, not plugged, no junk in it, no sweating. In 
the morning everything is wet, night bag 1/4 full. So it's draing some, but not 
backing up causing AD or anything. I don't want to keep going up in size. How 
often do you go up in size? Thanks, Greg


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