Yep, It's a shame Larry...even with insurance folks can hardly afford to get 
things done. Dan H** 

    On Wednesday, December 23, 2015 6:50 PM, Larry Willis 
<> wrote:

 Here is something that makes me sick to my stomach. My wife is making 
arrangements to get a defibrillator. The hospital sent us a projected cost 
statement today. This is based on entering the hospital at 10:30 am, installing 
the device, and leaving before lunch the next day. Est. cost - $150,000. That 
is double what my house cost. This does not include doctor bills. I am at a 
loss for words. Perhaps these might work - greed, evil, immoral, senseless, 
disgusting, unfair, crazy, sickening. Any thoughts on this?
And other countries provide free healthcare?


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