You are sure are dealing with a lot right now, all of you will be in our 
prayers.  Dan H* 

    On Saturday, January 9, 2016 6:31 PM, Larry Willis <> 

 Well, we buried my sister-in-law and mother-in-law on Thursday. My wife 
MELISSA barely made it through the day. Then last night about midnight she took 
an ambulance ride to the hospital. Heart failure causing water retention. Since 
Monday she had gained 25 pounds of fluid. They are removing that, putting her 
on oxygen and blood thinners. Her BP was 175/125, dangerous territory. She 
still can barely breathe. My son Bryce is taking care of me. He is only 15 and 
a great kid. These are rough times on the WILLIS plantation, peeps. If you have 
any extra prayers stashed away in the closet, cash a few of them in for us. 

Larry Willis
Retired and proud of it


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