Nice ultra light travel chair for anyone living in a freedom or independent 
 living center, with flat dry surfaces. The travel chair is not coded for  
Medicaid or Medicare.(CMS)  This would be a great means of transportation  
for those who are elder, but have issues walking long distances.  A means  of 
transportation that is not coded, will not be honored for payment via  CMS.
I don't believe this travel chair is rated as a rehab chair, nor do I  
believe this chair can be altered or modified to meet the complex rehab chair  
requirements/ standards. And should the device (travel chair) fail to perform 
or  cause injury to its user... who carries the liable insurance on this  
It truly scares me to think of a someone in need of a rehab or complex  
rehab device, would consider the reference to safely transport them from point 
A  to point B.  I am sure that I look hard I might find a Quad that would 
find  some comfort in using this light travel chair, but I don't see it for 
the  greater Quad population.  Also, the manufacture claims that they offer a 
1  year warranty.  Should that warranty be used, who exactly would travel 
from  China to work on the chair?  This is important.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/2/2016 2:16:38 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Obviously most of us quads  need to go through the rehab process and go 
with an OT/PT for a wheelchair  evaluation to make sure the power wheelchairs 
and the cushions we use together  are right/appropriate for our bodies and 
will last us for many many many  years. 

But recently when I was  looking through some random websites I came across 
the following ADVERTISEMENT  of a "new" foldable power chair on the market 
(not a scooter) and this shows  how an electric wheelchair really only costs 
around it $2000. 

But because so many of us  quads need/require the rehab power chairs and 
therefore need to  go through the whole "process" of obtaining one - companies 
like Permobil,  Pride Mobility and Invacare can charge insurance companies 
over $30,000 for  our power chairs. Because my only insurance is Medicare 
and I chose the  "elevate" option (which is not a Medicare approved option) I 
had a co-pay of  $7500 for my Permobil M300 in September of 2011. But after 
receiving my  explanation of benefits the cost of my chair was $30,000. And 
those companies  are rolling in the dollars big time because of this not to 
mention the  cushions we need.

Most everything (or  everything) comes right down to money money money 

So just FYI if you have not  seen it already:



"Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be soothing to the  mind and 
heart and deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer."  ~Dean 

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