I was using Dragon 13, and I had to purchase again Dragon 12 because 13 kept 
crashing my computer about once a week for 6 months, and I'm in a nursing I was 
so I had sometimes to wait 8 hours to find someone willing to restart me, 
because I had to use their hands.

Now I would like to upgrade to Dragon 15, but I'm having a heckuva time trying 
to figure out how to actually do it.  A couple hundred dollars does seem a lot 
of money for an upgrade, so I'm wondering if I'm looking at the right thing.

Please tell me if I should go ahead and order this because it is what I'm 
working for.


Debra Scruggs-Scruggs phalanx-dragon slayers -PRISONER OF HOPE ZECH. 9
Formerly: Homeschooling mom of 9 and pvt. pilot
Currently: tetrapeligic due to advanced MS and living in a nursing home hell 18 
Phone: 561-58 6-9399
SC student 20yrs
ROMANS 8:28… Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see – 
Mark Twain

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