since I am in a nursing home, when this happens it is a disaster for me because 
I have to wait hours sometimes before someone will show up in my room to reload 
Dragon for me. And half the people here will not touch my computer.

A few times a month, I will say something and Dragon will unload. When I check 
the history recognition, it is always an utterance, so I have no idea what I am 
saying that is unloading the program. Needless to say, I am dead in the water 
with it turned off.

Do you have any idea what words I could be saying? I want to make sure I'd 
never say those words. I trained myself never to say microphone off already.

Debra Scruggs-Scruggs phalanx-dragon slayers -PRISONER OF HOPE ZECH. 9
Formerly: Homeschooling mom of 9 and pvt. pilot
Currently: tetrapeligic due to advanced MS and living in a nursing home hell 18 
Phone: 561-58 6-9399
SC student 20yrs  … can not brag about my love for YHVH God because I fail Him 
daily, but I can brag about His love for me because He never fails me.
ROMANS 8:28… Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see – 
Mark Twain

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