I'm 13 years post and have had a Supra pubic catheter for 12 years and use a Bardex hydrogel with bactiguard and silver alloy coating and rarely if ever get infections since I changed to it. The other change I had made is my fluid intake after increasing that I'm sure it helped as well. Flushing the catheter/bladder with saline is fairly easy as well with a S.p. catheter. The one thing that we had to learn/make adjustments to is how much to fill the balloon/balloon size. If you fill it too much then it can cause A.D however not enough and the catheter can move or come out which your doctor/urologist will/should go over with you.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Supra pubic or other options?2
From: "Greg" <g...@eskimo.com>
Date: Thu, December 28, 2017 7:22 pm
To: <quad-list@eskimo.com>

I use a Bard Foley IC, (Infection Control) silver coated. The clear ones were too stiff, caused spasms.The yellowish ones cause me no issues.

On 12/28/2017 6:19 PM, Noel wrote:
John, I had a suprapubic installed about five years ago. Initially, it
was rough, constantly causing autonomic dysreflexia. I switched to a
different type of catheter called the Duette, it has helped somewhat,
but still some discomfort when the tube is moved. It's made of softer
material, every once in a while have trouble getting it to insert and
have to use a catheter with a stiffer tip called a coude. I'm in quite
a bit of pain until I can switch back to the Duette. Haven't had much
trouble with infections.

On Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 1:01 PM, john owens <jrowen...@yahoo.com> wrote:
I would appreciate getting some information about getting a supra pubic

I am 27 years old and 11 years post C4C5 SCI and TBI.

I was told by my urologist that I’m not emptying completely with simply a
condom catheter and that my best option will be to set up a surgery date in
January for a supra pubic.

I did not ask him about the option for an ileal conduit urinary diversion
but I would like feedback on which option you think is the best.

Please tell me of your experiences with the Supra pubic.

Have you had less UTI’ after having a Supra pubic?

What complications if any have you had with the Supra pubic?

Thanks for any advice or tips.

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