Pray tell how do I pay for this Sesame phone application, and how much is it?  
Please look at the advertisement and see if you can glean the info from it 

Finally a hands-free cell phone if I understand the advertisement correctly.  I 
desperately need one just as a safety issue.

I have an android cell phone right here waiting to go.  What I'm trying to 
figure out is where do I send my money and how much in order to get this app.

  Please advise if you can figure it out.

Debra Scruggs-Scruggs phalanx-dragon slayers -PRISONER OF HOPE ZECH. 9
Formerly: Homeschooling mom of 9 and pvt. pilot
Currently: tetrapeligic due to advanced MS and living in a nursing home hell 18 
Phone: 561-58 6-9399
SC student 20yrs  … can not brag about my love for YHVH God because I fail Him 
daily, but I can brag about His love for me because He never fails me.
ROMANS 8:28… Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see – 
Mark Twain

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