Sorry you're having trouble finding someone.  I had this site bookmarked.  Not sure it will help.  How local is this
paper?  I think you should think about expanding your search area. I get
where you're coming from about using the word quadriplegic.  It can make
you a target but it's not really something you want to spring on a
potential caregiver either.  Wish you luck

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 3:18 PM Lori Michaelson <>

> Okay, only one member on here knows of my situation (Dana) but I really
> need to ask a question.
> I have been on my own for the last 40 years as a high-level quad. I have
> always lived with family except over the last 4 years whereby I found a
> live-in caregiver that I could afford.  Now the live-in caregiver I have
> had over the last 4 years users moving on and out-of-state. In our original
> contract if either of us were moving on we had to give the other person a
> 90 day written notice. She gave me a good 6 months notice so I've started
> advertising in January.
> I found her via craigslist when I was in Pennsylvania living with family
> who wanted me to move on when they knew I had nowhere to go. Absolutely
> nowhere and I was not going to move into a nursing home. I had a beautiful
> support dog and I would NOT survive in a nursing home anyway. All of my
> caregivers over the years know that I would not survive  in a nursing home
> 2 months and I know that as well with my needs.
> Unfortunately or fortunately, I am not eligible for state help and that is
> because I received my Social Security from working, my husband's Social
> Security, a big savings account for so many reasons (I need a lot of dental
> work, I need to be able to have a co-pay for a new caregiver and so many
> other reasons) as well as my husband investing before he passed away.
> "Spending down" is like committing financial suicide because I don't think
> versions of Medicaid is going to last long and I have no way of controlling
> what I get from Social Security every month as well as a small annuity from
> the accident (which is peanuts when you live alone and my lawyer at the
> time screwed that up by not factoring in inflation and "What if Lori needs
> around-the-clock care at some point?").
> * I put an ad on craigslist for 30 days which will be up on February 20th
> - soon. I got absolutely no response from anyone from that route. It used
> to be free to advertise 4 years ago but now it is $25.
> * I have signed up with but have not found anyone yet.
> * I put an ad on the Facebook closed group for caregivers in my area but
> no responses.
> * For those familiar with Next-Door ... I put feelers out there with no
> response.
> * I have thought about putting an ad in our town newspaper and I have
> spoken with the head of classifieds for this. Their highest circulation
> output is Sundays and Wednesdays and if I want it and therefore a month it
> will be $273. I have used as little words as possible but my question to
> you guys is:
> When advertising in a newspaper and you live alone... should you use the
> word Quadriplegic? I have to have a way for people to reach me so I put my
> phone number and e-mail and asking for a "live-in" caregiver.
> I need to start training people ASAP since my current live-in is leaving
> the first week in August which sounds like a while from now but by the time
> you train someone and you make sure they are going to stay for a good
> amount of time for it to be worthwhile... time goes by quickly.
> My wheelchair batteries had some dead cells and they needed to be replaced
> which just happened this past Tuesday. My co-pay for those is $244.
> My live-in caregiver has not had a break in a year because of certain
> situations so she has really burned out and the one caregiver in my area
> who knows my care (but has a family and a full-time job) is going to take
> care of me 3 days next week and that is $600 but I have no other option.
> I have contacted so many places including my local Center for Independent
> Living and, being a quad as long as I have and working for an independent
> living center for 7+ years and having lived with family or my spouse over
> the last 40 years and to be fortunate to have found a fabulous live-in
> caregiver for the last 4 years... I am now desperate.
> My health deteriorated after being hurt soon after moving back here along
> with a domino effect that caused to this very day but I still have a great
> power wheelchair, Roho cushions, a fully adjustable hospital bed which I
> have always needed, a rotating air mattress that I have found my body can't
> go without (terrible autonomic dysreflexia if it's not working), my big
> Desktop Computer that I keep so very active with with many programs on it,
> my nice wheelchair conversion minivan, my German Shepherd support dog that
> I want to train more, and a host of different things that I definitely need
> for daily care.
> So, I guess I will advertise in my local newspaper but maybe just for two
> weeks to start but I need to know your opinion on me using the word
> Quadriplegic or not. Factoring in that I have pain medications. Finding
> trustworthy people in general is hard enough but to find someone new will
> be dependent upon for your whole care...  :-(
> Thank you!
> ~Lori
> --
> “Petting, scratching, and cuddling a dog could be as soothing to the mind
> and heart as deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer.”
> ― Dean Koontz

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