Ever since I went to the hospital to have my hearts e-flutter fixed, I haven't been doing too well. The flutter seems to have stopped, but I have all kinds of new things. At first they thought it was my diaphragm getting paralyzed from the anesthesia, but that's been too long now. Then they thought it was some lung issues, but that's been ruled out. Then they said it was a heart issue, but that seems to be okay too. My symptoms are that I get very dizzy, my blood pressure gets very low ( like 74 / 45), my chest gets heavy, it's very hard to breathe, I breathe like I just run around the block too many times. If I do anything like typing, just a few words exhaust me. Just eating a few bites wears me out. Now I'm going to a neurologist and they want to do a EMG test, that will test if my diaphragm is fluttering or spasming. I was fine right up until the heart procedure to fix an a-flutter. Most of the time my blood pressure is okay, my oxygen levels are in the high nineties. And sometimes my blood pressure is fine I still feel out of breath and exhausted and breathe very heavy.

I've often had autonomic dysreflexia but that makes my blood pressure go up. The neurologist said it could be something to do with dysautonomia​, never really heard of that, but she said it's kind of the opposite of dysreflexia making blood pressure go down. But no idea what would have caused it.

anyone go through anything like this? It's been very hard to breathe off and on. They have me on a BiPAP at night to make it easier to breathe and sleep.

My next doc will be a SCI doc, but my old one moved. Anyone go to one who specializes in SCI?

Thanks much

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