>Mark Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>     I don't think the 8.1 version OF ASP does slot info. As
>     far as other utilities go it shows up in the 'about'
>     dialog of the Radius Dynamic Desktop CP as a 'DeskStudio
>     1.0 b4' which is what it is (DeskStudio, made by BUG, is
>     actually the Japanese version but it's the same card).
>     If anyone has the original DeskStudio Extensions or
>     something like that I'll try those instead...
>SPAV doesn't require Radius Dynamic Desktop, which might simnly bring out
>incompatibilities. Radius Dynamic Desktop seems to be aimed at VVS users.
>AFAIK Radius Dynamic Desktop never did ship with SPAV. I would disable
>all of that stuff, and try to run a a minimum set of just the necessary
>extensions, especially Quicktime version whatever (free v2.5 is a good
>staring point) and Spigot AV Extension v1.1.

Well seeing as how I have a Radius Thunder IV 1360 GX Graphics card 
I'd rather not disable the DSP Support and the Dynamic desktop 
support. I never intended to use it with the SPAV card it was just a 
reference to show the card wasn't dead, I'm bad but I'm not that 
stupid ;).

I got it to work anyway,  you know what it was? I HAVE to have a 
monitor plugged into the onboard graphics controller to use the AV 
system's video digitizer, not into the NuBus graphics card. Man some 
things are just to finikity for their own good!!


Mark Benson
Any spelling errors are attributed to PEBKAC

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