I've created a first pool (Dedup Disk and compression enabled) and added a 
Created a second pool (same settings), when trying to add a disk, got this 
error message :
ERROR: Reply from server is "Pool Internal_5TB needs to maintain its own 
dedupe tables, but dedupe tables limit reached current tables 1 max 1"
What I'm trying to do:
Having 2 pool, totally independent from each other, so i can loose one, 
without loosing data of the second.
And be able to move a disk pool to another system.

I'm a bit lost about how dedup tables are managed and what should be the 
good configuration to get that

When transferring a pool to another system do I need to have it's dedup 
tables too?
If not, i could add another disk i have to default pool (no disk in there 
actually) and let dedup tables in default pool, would it be the right way 
to do it?


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