On Wed, 21 Sep 2016, Lou Berger wrote:

I hope the the last two releases have convinced you that we need to do something different WRT patch integration.

Convinced in what sense? Also, the implication is that you feel I am against changing /anything/ - which is not at all the case.

High level objectives of getting patches reviewed, decided on and integrated/pushed-back quickly, efficiently, transparently, reliably? Who could disagree with that?

Determining how to change things to improve on delivery of those goals, by teasing out the strands of the problem, sorting the objective from the subject (and where possible finding ways to transform as much of the subjective into the objective as possible), and determining as analytically as possible how proposed chnages affect the different constraints (at least some of which are in tension): Great.

Throwing everything up in the air, changing everything at the same time (from communication methods, to constitution) - less keen on that.


And there were big changes when I started full-time again. Vincent started with the batched, systematic, review process of the backlog in patchwork. I continued on with that, changed some logging aspects from email to git.

Is that process ideal for a non-backlogged, steady-state? Perhaps not.

However, the problem then was backlog. And optimising integrator throughput - while not regressing back to more ad-hoc much less systematic working - to get the backlog done seemed to be a high priority. That hopefully really is close to done now, with the final CI obstacle found, and we can close off a large swathe of old stuff and release.

It could have gone faster perhaps, with more co-operation and fewer other distractions. But hey.

Paul Jakma | p...@jakma.org | @pjakma | Key ID: 0xD86BF79464A2FF6A
Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be
                -- Maek Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"

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