JDK 9 ea build 140 test results are now available at 

The jdk test results contain 13 differences from the build 139 test results. 
There is 1
testcase failure, this failure is under investigation.

0: /home/jtest/merge9/139/jdk/JTwork  pass: 5,953; fail: 7; not run: 2,147

1: /home/jtest/merge9/140/jdk/JTwork  pass: 5,964; fail: 8; not run: 2,154


0      1      Test

pass   fail   com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/Test6635110.java

---    pass   java/io/FilePermission/Correctness.java

---    pass   java/io/FilePermission/FilePermissionTest.java

---    pass   java/io/FilePermission/ReadFileOnPath.java

---    pass   java/lang/ClassLoader/forNameLeak/ClassForNameLeak.java

---    pass   java/net/httpclient/http2/HpackDriverHeaderTable.java

---    pass   java/util/spi/ToolProviderTest.java

---    pass   javax/imageio/WriteAbortTest.java

---    pass   jdk/internal/misc/Unsafe/CopyMemoryLarge.java

---    pass   jdk/internal/misc/Unsafe/CopySwapLarge.java

---    pass   sun/security/util/FilePermCompat/CompatImpact.java

---    pass   sun/security/util/FilePermCompat/Flag.java

---    pass   tools/jjs/jjs-modulepathTest.sh


13 differences


The hotspot test results contain 10 differences from the build 139 test 
results. There are 2
testcase failures, these failures are under investigation.

0: /home/jtest/merge9/139/hotspot/JTwork  pass: 1,325; fail: 4; error: 10; not 
run: 47

1: /home/jtest/merge9/140/hotspot/JTwork  pass: 1,326; fail: 6; error: 13; not 
run: 47


0      1      Test

---    pass   compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/AsResolvedJavaMethodTest.java

pass   ---    compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/GetResolvedJavaMethodAtSlotTest.java

pass   fail   gc/TestNUMAPageSize.java

---    pass   runtime/lambda-features/CyclicInterfaceInit.java

---    pass   runtime/lambda-features/InterfaceInitializationStates.java

pass   fail   runtime/modules/IgnoreModulePropertiesTest.java

---    error  

---    error  

---    error  

---    pass   serviceability/sa/TestDefaultMethods.java


10 differences


The langtools test results contain 4 differences from the build 139 test 
No new testcase failures found.

0: /home/jtest/merge9/139/langtools/JTwork  pass: 3,491; not run: 272

1: /home/jtest/merge9/140/langtools/JTwork  pass: 3,495; not run: 274


0      1      Test

---    pass   tools/javac/main/AtFileTest.java

---    pass   tools/javac/main/ToolProviderTest.java

---    pass   tools/javac/modules/ExportsUnexported.java

---    pass   tools/jdeps/modules/UnnamedPackage.java


4 differences


The nashorn test result is available at

Abdul Muneer
Quality Engineer
Oracle, Bangalore, India 



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