I think it would be great if there were a piece of software installed by
default in all templates, and in the applications menu by default, that
lets you customize the qube you're in. Specifically, it should let you
choose default applications for each MIME type, with a choice between an
installed application in the appvm, opening in another appvm, or opening
in a dispvm. This would be a more generic way of doing what I described
here [1].

I also find that I forget to increase the size of my appvms' private
image, and instead just run out of disk space. And occasionally, when
I'm doing something that writes a lot of data to /tmp, I fill that up too.

I'd love to see a service running in all appvms that monitors disk space
usage. If you're running low, or run out, of space in /rw, it pops up a
window asking if you'd like to increase the size of your private
storage. If you say yes, it launches a simple tool in dom0 that lets you
specify how many GB you want to make it, and maybe how free much space
you have available. (There have been several times where it wasn't
immediately clear that the reason everything broke is because I ran out
of disk space, and I had to spend time troubleshooting to figure this
out. I think less experienced users might just think it's broken and
give up.) And likewise, if you run low or out of disk space in /tmp, it
should pop up a window and let you remount your tmpfs with more disk
space, without having to lookup the commands to do it.

There are probably several other small tools like this that could
increase the usability of Qubes, too. These are the ones that come to
mind for me. While I'd love to work on developing these tools myself,
but I really don't have time in the near future -- maybe at some point
though :). I thought I'd through the idea out there and see what others


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