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On 07/04/2017 12:28 AM, Rusty Bird wrote:
> Hi Patrik!
> I just noticed that qubes-devel seems to break your PGP/MIME 
> signatures. Inline PGP works better on Google Groups based mailing 
> lists. (The CCs have all been fine, of course.)

Thanks for letting me know! Hopefully fixed now.

>> On 06/26/2017 05:28 PM, Rusty Bird wrote:
>>>>>> I guess your last point is valid, we can seal the actual
>>>>>> secrets (txt/png/keyfile) just once and always reseal
>>>>>> only the "freshness" token. I'll have to think more about
>>>>>> this, but so far I didn't find any obvious flaw with this
>>>>>> approach.
>>>>>> As for the DMA attack mentioned in your later e-mail,
>>>>>> shouldn't the IOMMU (which is required for Qubes 4.0)
>>>>>> automatically protect against that (as it gets activated
>>>>>> by Xen)?
>>>>> I might totally have the wrong picture here, but can't the
>>>>> rogue PCI device (which would not be assigned to any VM)
>>>>> access all of dom0's memory? [2] Or are there more
>>>>> fine-grained restrictions?
>>>> You're probably right. In which case, encrypting the whole
>>>> (not just dom0) RAM would most likely be the only option.
>>>> Considering the ability of DMA to modify memory, unsealing
>>>> the "freshness" token before the actual secrets would not
>>>> provide any meaningful security and the resulting AEM code
>>>> would be pretty similar in size anyway. :(
>>> Reading memory (with a DMA attack, a cold boot attack on
>>> transplanted RAM modules, or a cold boot attack in the same
>>> system if SCLEAN really doesn't wipe all memory) still seems
>>> like it could sometimes be more straightforward than writing
>>> memory (with a DMA attack). And it's kind of neat to be able to
>>> protect text secrets, in the absence of these memory attacks.
>>> I don't know. But we can always revisit the whole separate
>>> freshness secret thing later. Maybe somebody will weigh in on
>>> read-only media support in the meantime?
>> OK, let's go with the freshness token then.
> To avoid implementation complexity here: What do you think about 
> unconditionally requiring the freshness token in all AEM setups,
> and (as a stretch goal) skipping the token _update_, both on the
> AEM medium and in NVRAM, if the medium is read-only? IMO it's not
> crucial to implement this read-only check in AEM 4.0.

Hmm, that could work.

>>>> One significant issue I've encountered this week is that the
>>>> TPM dictionary attack lock actually triggers after a few
>>>> reboots (due to tpm_id and tpm_resetdalock calls with
>>>> well-known owner secret)...
>>> Would removing the 'tpm_resetdalock -z' calls in -unseal and
>>> tpm_z_srk improve the situation? Looks like it's
>>> counter-productive in setups with an owner password.
>> There's also the tcsd_changer_identify scripts with call to
>> tpm_id which gets executed every time the tcsd service is
>> starting (via ExecStartPre tcsd.service unit drop-in). The
>> tcsd_changer_migrate drop-in will also call tcsd_changer_identify
>> itself if not already migrated. That's one or two tpm_id calls
>> which contribute to dictionary attack lock. And I see no way to
>> get rid of this completely. :-\
>> <rant> Anyway, why should having a non-zero owner password
>> prevent you, a local user, from reading the TPM's public
>> endorsement key? TCG claims it's due to anonymity concerns (as
>> the pubEK uniquely identifies the TPM), but the same can be done
>> by querying (via /sys or whatever) the serial number of any other
>> HW component (mobo, HDD, battery, ...) or just the specific HW
>> configuration/topology (model numbers, which bus/port the devices
>> are connected to, etc.). It makes sense for remote attestation 
>> (and the spec already has a Direct Anonymous Attestation protocol
>> to solve this) but not much for local usage. </rant>
>>> Also, -seal could avoid the tpm_z_srk call if $CACHE_DIR
>>> exists, and in this case set $Z based on whether
>> Yeah, I'd rather just call tpm_resetdalock here with a password
>> read from the (now unlocked) disk...
> Sounds good.
>>> If it turns out to be necessary, TPM utilities can read from
>>> stdin -- but only when /dev/tty is inaccessible (like in a
>>> systemd context):
>>> # mv /dev/tty{,.bak}; echo password | tpm_whatever; mv
>>> /dev/tty{.bak,}
>> That's... not nice.
> I forgot to mention that this line is only for testing!
> Inside of the anti-evil-maid-(un)seal.service systemd units,
> /dev/tty is already inaccessible, so 'echo password | tpm_whatever'
> should work. (When the anti-evil-maid-seal script is invoked
> manually, the 'echo password' input will be ignored and
> tpm_whatever will display its own prompt.) See e.g. the
> tpm_sealdata commands in the (un)sealing code.

Oh, right! Somehow I missed this fact (/dev/tty inaccessible in
services). Still, the workflow outlined right below is IMO better
(perhaps as a stretch goal?).

>> Reading the TPM 1.2 spec again, I've noticed there's a way to
>> delegate owner's authority for execution of (a specific subset
>> of) owner-only TPM commands (ie. generate a new password that
>> would only be usable for resetting the DA lock and nothing else).
>> While there's no tool for that in tpm-tools package, it should
>> not be that hard to write one using the TSS API provided by
>> TrouSerS. Additionally, this would get rid of the /dev/tty issue
>> and reduce the impact of potential password leak -- only this
>> limited password will be stored on (encrypted) disk, not the
>> full owner pw.
>>>> Other than that, I've only made some small fixes and
>>>> improvements to the code. Mostly stuff I noticed during my
>>>> testing (I'm starting to hate rebooting, heh).
>>> Don't worry, at some point that hatred will turn into a very
>>> relaxing despair.
>> I hope not. :)
> Hmm on the bright side, the restart-a-thon is a pretty decent
> password trainer.

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