I would like to third that suggestion, it's a good for the community to be 
more welcoming and informative for the people who don't want to, or don't 
have time to dig into forums. It also serves as a way to hype Qubes a bit 
more in a positive way, or promote if you may. Don't get me wrong, I 
understand Qubes try to be modest as it is evident by your actions, which 
is to be applauded, it's a characteristic I like in others. However many 
times, Qubes comes across as being a bit too modest, or too silent for that 
matter. Essentially at times leaning over towards the other opposite 
extreme. A little bit more of hype or motivated community involvement 
wouldn't hurt, actually it might do Qubes quite some good to get some well 
deserved attention out there in the world. Considering what you guys 
archived, it's stunning that not more people are getting into Qubes yet. 
Perhaps this increased attention is unwanted? Although I don't think it is, 
but it sometimes does seem like Qubes just want to be left alone from any 
outside attention. Maybe I'm just overthinking it, though others might or 
might not come to the same conclusion.

Still, you guys are doing an amazing job! Also I have no problems with the 
delays either, I know a good job is being done.
What I feel is a bit lacking though is the lack of information, lack of 
Qubes community culture, involvement, etc. It fees like it needs more hype, 
Adrenalin if you may. But not over-hyped, rather a sort of realistic hype, 
staying natural, and not over-natural or under-natural.

Being proactive, rather than reactive, when it comes to the community. 

Qubes is really amazing, so it's not the biggest issue in the world even 
though it may risk to come across as being written as such. But perhaps the 
bigger question is, are we allowed to bottom-up engage and build in the 
community ourselves without clear laid out community leadership and 
guidelines from the Qubes team? Otherwise finding someone who might be up 
for that job, or more, could perhaps be another solution. Of course only if 
you find it being an issue as well. I also have no idea if others see it 
the same way either.

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