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On Thu, Nov 02, 2017 at 08:37:47AM -0700, Frédéric Pierret (fepitre) wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe you have seen that Fedora 26 is supported for building (see 
> qubes-builder) and it is on the road to be officially released (Marek can 
> you confirm?) in Qubes R3.2 and R4.0. 

Yes. Actually both are already uploaded to repositories. The only thing
left to do is to update documentation (template upgrade etc) and make
the proper announcement.

> Just to let you know that I have 
> prepared and built Fedora 27 template for Qubes 4.0 and everything seems to 
> work: qubes tools, sound (pulseaudio 11.1) etc. I don't plan to test it for 
> R3.2 but it should be straightforward if needed.
> Notably, we could discuss what would be dom0 in 4.1: I tried Fedora 26 and 
> I will also try Fedora 27.

Since we have some time until 4.1, I think it can be F27. But we have
plans to implement GUI VM there, which means we will not need X server
(and the whole desktop environment) in dom0 anymore. We will need them
in the GUI VM (so, some template). This means switching dom0
distribution (even to something different than Fedora) should be much
simpler. We're not yet sure if we'll do it for 4.1 or later release, but
this is definitely somewhere on the roadmap.

> There is still things to do for the installer, specifically, rewrite few 
> things about passwords in Anaconda (see 
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/qubes-devel/l9xDmPXpNfg/NJyHRP_EAQAJ) but I 
> should work on it in the next days.

- -- 
Best Regards,
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Invisible Things Lab
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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