I might have some ideas,

How about intergrating a dispvm as usb qube. The situation now is (to my 
knowledge, correct me if I am wrong) that if a usb infects the usb qube, it 
means all future usb`s may become infected too once they connect to sys-usb. By 
using a dispvm, all traces of malware should be gone the next time it 
reboots(or atleast raise the bar of difficulty to make persitent malware)

I can think of several ways this can be implemented but the question will be 
when the usb qube should be rebooted. Everytime a usb disconnects, maybe 
everytime the computer reboots? These would be some things to figure out.

My next idea would be to have an option during installation to use a mirage os 
unikernel for sys-net or sys-firewall. This would give us severel advantages 
over the current fedora sys-nets.

Number one would be ofcourse security, a unikernel has alot less attack surface 
because it uses alot less code, this also makes it easier to audit. Furtermore, 
less memory useage might be an advantage as well, since you can run a mirage vm 
with a mere 30mb of ram(good for users with low end machines). Another 
advantage would be faster boot up and shutdown times, booting a mirage vm on my 
old thinkpad takes roughly 1/2 seconds.

Anyway these are my ideas of how we could improve qubes. These are all 
speculations based of my current knowledge and understanding of qubes, so 
please feel free to correct me if I was wrong somewhere. So, what do you think?


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