On 05/14/18 11:20, Jean-Philippe Ouellet wrote:
> Shouldn't be terribly surprising to this crowd, but: https://efail.de/
> Simply using split-pgp does *NOT* protect you against this, especially
> if you have agent authorization with a non-zero timeout.
> The immediate impact on Qubes developers is that one should use
> separate keys for email and code signing, have your secret keys in
> separate split-gpg backend domains, and not allow any VM with an email
> client to make requests to the VM holding your code-signing keys. In
> other words, have disjoint sets of development and communication
> domains.

Not that it's a wrong recommendation, but the efail stuff is not about
exposing keys -- it's a way to leak cleartext via HTML messages. There
is no way efail would allow leaking someone's signing keys.

Konstantin Ryabitsev
Director, IT Infrastructure Security
The Linux Foundation

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