
Is there any plan about kernel support in Qubes?

As I use 3.2, my problems are related to this verison, but my main
question are version independent.

I see lot of random kernel versions come and go, which is hardly fit
in my understanding of a stable OS. This is not a new issue, and
probably very much hardware specific. And because of the state of the
3.2, I would need to solve my problems alone - which is fine.

My specific issue (in R3.2), that ANY kernel version showed up in
Qubes greater than 4.4.x is broken on my T450 :(
All are crashing using 3 displays (2 external + internal)
some versions (>4.14) just giving me random freeze, some (4.14.x) are
100% reproducible hard crashing. While the 4.9 is not even booting

As I noticed 4.4 line is abandoned by Qubes, means no security updates.

I can understand and accept the fact if you are rushing forward
regarding kernel versions - I just would like to know if there any
plan about kernels.

Would be nice to see kernel version on the supported versions page.


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