On 11/21/2018 09:15 AM, Doesnt Work wrote:
Thank you all for the direct answers!

However, I'm not just talking about GUI-UX, but cli-UX as well.
Especially the detailed documentation of commands is usually only valid
for Qubes 3.X. Errors are rarely helpful but rather are uncaught
python-errors (qvm-run [something] + CTRL+C = "KeyboardInterrupt Error")

Additionally, tab-completion still doesn't work (which would have to be
a new feature, but since VM-name-completion works for qvm-copy &
similar, I am wondering why this wasn't implemented at the cli-level as

Let me give examples of the cli-shortcomings:
Sven Semmler:> -> qvm-ls ... shows your qubes and their state.
No memory/CPU-usage. Have to use xentop for that. Xentop shows CPU-usage
per core? I guess? Works to determine most-hungry VM, not managing

BTW I made a script to show this info in a more convenient form, system-stats-xen:


-> qvm-create, qvm-clone, qvm-remove ... are obviousqvm-create has horrible 
argument-dependencies. e.g. if --template is a
dvm-template, --class has to be DispVM [everywhere else it's "dispvm"],
not to mention --property auto_cleanup=True (I don't see the usecase of
a dispvm without auto_cleanup.)

qvm-run --dispvm [dvm-template] CMD
fails too often and without obvious reasons for me to count. (Guess it's
a RAM-problem.) And dvm-template is required, default-dispvm is not used.

qubes-global-settings can't be used from the commandline but opens

Adding these 3 things as issues would be a good start to addressing your list of concerns...


qvm-copy now opens a window that needs interaction. This is awful for
copying many files, VM-name has to be typed for every file. Not to
mention I had some automated scripts that copied some files which are
now much more cumbersome as well.

In dom0 you can use 'qvm-copy-to-vm' without any popup dialog window.

Otherwise, if you need to copy things in other directions without dialog windows, it must be coordinated from dom0. You can run scripts in dom0 to handle the copying and/or set qubes-rpc permissions for guest VM access. Setting these permissions could be more convenient though.

-> qvm-usb to assing usb devices
This was the big improvement (for me) in Qubes 3.2. Credit where credit
is due, this is awesome!

qvm-block on the other hand ...
- no attaching of image-files anymore (used to do my backups that way)
- detaching requires full path as well (horrible if blockdevice is in
- documentation of features is especially lacking (e.g. could do
qvm-block [TARGET] [SOURCE] -f xvdz, now frontend-device is a feature of
qvm-device I have to look up how to use every time I need it.)

The documentation could be better here; I've been frustrated by it myself. Are you aware that using 'losetup' first will allow you to attach image files?

I tried I3
Tried KDE myself, led to horrible instabilities. (I understand and agree
with the reasoning to switch away from KDE, but still miss krunner though.)

KDE has been very stable for me on 4.0 using integrated Intel graphics. I feel like the other options are inadequate... they can't do simple things like put the monitor into power saving mode or allow you a few seconds grace time to tap the keyboard when the lock screen appears, and many more details. Its like going back to 1998.

P.S.: My point here is never something is impossible (except qvm-block
--attach-file), but rather that is has become cumbersome compared to
Qubes 3.x, especially 3.1!



Chris Laprise, tas...@posteo.net
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