On 2020-01-02 15:33, Kardykov Ivan wrote:
> Sorry for that bumping, but looks like my posts from work domain (tabit.pro) 
> stucked at moderate or
> spam checks.. So my message was about GVT-g.
> We have some success with adaptation Intel gtv-g technology to Qubes OS.
> At now it is rather proof of concept state, but it probably could help
> to test guivm features and discuss of applicability in practice.
> In this [1] repository we placed specs and patches to build core Qubes
> components with ability to run and work with GPU accelerated VM. We
> oriented to Fedora 29 dom0 and Xen 4.12 versions with plans of 4.1
> compatibility. Now it is up to Fedora 31 and Xen 4.13 and we will get to
> this versions in some time.
> We made and adapted patches to xen, kernel, libvirt, qemu to dom0 and
> xorg dummy driver to guest environment. Our work mostly based on Intel
> [2][3] and XenServer [4] public repositories.
> The most controversial question is probably running qemu without any
> restrictions, but there are several ways to improve it.

As Marek has stated before, this is a non-starter.  QEMU is not
considered trusted.  Xen’s attack surface is already too high.

The approach I would like to see is a paravirtualized approach
similar to Genode’s: a small (<10K SLOC), auditable (ideally
formally verified) driver running in dom0 and/or its own domain that
communicates with a paravirtualized driver in the VMs.  Any needed
emulation is done in the stubdomain.  This is likely to be difficult
for many reasons, but is the only way that I see can hardware
accelerated graphics being secure enough for Qubes with commodity
hardware.  If you are willing to pay literally thousands of dollars
for server-grade GPUs, then SR-IOV and friends become options, which
make secure hardware acceleration much easier.  However, those are
far too expensive for virtually all Qubes users.  In particular,
they are far more expensive than just buying another computer for
graphics-intensive activities.

The main activities I know of that need hardware-accelerated graphics,
and which a Qubes user is likely to want to partake in, are gaming
and GPGPU.  Video games, in particular, should be considered completely
untrusted, and so need to be walled off as tightly as possible.



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