
Thank you for your feedback. I just tested under R4.1 in development and
I succeeded to have a kernel log thanks to Marek and few hacks in dom0.

Here is the bug report: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=206299

FYI, I tried few months ago to build NVIDIA module under Qubes but I hit
a problem of allocating buffers. It was the same problem than a one
reported on NVIDIA dev forum by another person using Xen as a desktop
machine (not Qubes).



On 2020-01-24 17:22, Ralph Alexander Bariz wrote:
> Have the same problem with a rtx 2070. My temporary solution is to put a 
> cheap gpu into my pc(nvidia geforce 710) into the second pci port and cut of 
> the power of the 2070 when using qubes.
> the problem is simple. The included nouveau driver does not support it. You 
> could install the properitary one whats a security problem.
> my attemp to solve it, when I've got time, will be to compile the newest 
> nouveau driver in a fedora 25 qubes and install it to dom0.
> For sure its necessary to ensure cube nit getting compromised in the process. 
> BR

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