On Apr 03, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki wrote:
Yes, self-explanatory names should be enough for simple functions. But still,
more complex functions, or with non-trivial arguments should have a docstring.

Okay. I'll go through again and make sure that's the case.

Right now windows compatibility (especially on the server side) isn't that


Nothing specifically against. But also be careful about resources - for
example rendering all the pages in parallel is a bad idea, since there
may be many of them (and in fact we do have a test that tries to convert
500 pages PDF file).

I was trying to come up with a limit on the number of simultaneous renderings. Maybe something like half the total # of pages and if that's over some number like 10 or something, then the limit is 10.

On the other hand, using a single DisposableVM means one malicious PDF could access/modify other files you're trying to convert. IMO a better approach would be to use separate DisposableVMs, but _independently_ optimize their resource usage (for example you don't need the whole graphical stuff and most of other service just to convert PDF -> RGB).

Good point. I'll read some more on Qubes to see how to go about doing that.

Also, I knew I would forget a question... While we can "sanitize" data sent by the server, we can never really "verify" them since that would require parsing the PDF client-side. So should variables received from the server always have the "untrusted_" prefix? That's sort of the logic I'm going with right now.

               Jason Phan

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