On Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 9:22:50 AM UTC-4, bradbury9 wrote:
> Looks like a new evil maid attack [1][2] that takes advantage of the 
> thunderbolt port is on the wild.
> I do recall Qubes OS had anti evil maid features. I wonder, are Qubes OS 
> protected against this new attack?
> [1]: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2020/05/attack_against_2.html
> [2]: https://www.wired.com/story/thunderspy-thunderbolt-evil-maid-hacking/

In the vernacular, I'm talking out of my behind here, armchair 
philosophizing, etc...but, well, I find the topic interesting... :)

My gut says that this is a in a class of known vulnerability channels. That 
is, those of unsigned and/or unchecked firmware on the motherboard. Both in 
the general case and specifically for Qubes. 

So, as always: there's the general caveat that if your system's firmware 
(including both "bios/uefi" and the firmware for integrated peripherals) 
have been compromised, and you have certain very specific threat models, 
you're hosed. AEM/Safeboot can only mitigate some of that: if a particular 
component's firmware isn't measured, then that's an open door.

That being said, within Qubes I believe this particular attack is somewhat 
mitigated by the combination of IOMMU, and the Qubes-specific disabling of 
"hotplug" for pcie devices, including thunderbolt.

IOMMU/hotplug restrictions prevent newly arrived PCIe devices from 
accessing, via DMA, the memory spaces of dom0/domU. If you're running newer 
dom0 kernels there are additional backstops as well in-kernel (but I am not 
familiar with them), though they may be the belt to the suspenders under 

So...I don't imagine the tried-and-true "screen unlock hack via DMA to 
bypass code path or variable setting" will work, but...outside the scope of 
this hack, there may already be other ways to do things like extract 
encryption keys from a live system if seized live (e.g. freeze memory 
dimm/move quickly to another powered custom device/dump RAM/analyze under 
the multiple psuedo-random patterns to make a flat physical RAM space).

So, for certain very-specific threat models you will want to institute very 
strict set behavioral controls, those being: a) never leave your device 
unsupervised and if you do, consider it compromised and b) never leave your 
device powered on (disk unlocked) where it may be seized by your adversary, 
even if the screen is locked.

As always data found must be exfiltrated. So, are there circumstances this 
technique might possible be used in a chained attack in some way? 
Maybe...but I strongly doubt that it's an instant win on Qubes.


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