On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 03:01:50PM -0400, Demi M. Obenour wrote:

> > https://github.com/xaki23/rzqubes/blob/master/misc/installtemplate.sh
> > 
> > can be run in either dom0 or (with a lot of policy adjustments
> > or a bazillion manual approvals and minor changes) an adminapi-vm.
> > 
> > it is also mostly trivial to install the template-root right
> > from the buildvm. (skipping the "rpm" part entirely)
> How does one do that?  That sounds promising.

see above shellscript for the general basic outline of "how to turn
a template rpm into a template vm".

most of the qvm-something steps are also avail in appvms through
the adminapi these days. (== can be called from a buildvm)

for "skipping the rpm part" prototype see 
and related PRs/diffs.

both the shellscript and builder integration are fully functional,
but need cleanup before they can be merged.
the main open issue is how to integrate a template-specific
settings-file (the "tplspec" parts) with the build process.
this is mostly needed for the mirage templates. 

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