I was asked by deeplow to forward/summarize info from the "Alt RPM Distro 
(CentOS?) in dom0" forum thread [alt-thread] to make it more visible to 

CentOS Stream is an attractive candidate for use in dom0 due to its 
stability, LTS cycle, compatibility with Fedora, and signing of both 
packages and metadata.  The main concerns raised about CentOS were outdated 
kernels, the limited set of available userland packages, the stability of 
CentOS Stream, and the desire for a "minimal" distro.  Recent developments 
largely address these concerns:

* RHEL has moved to a 3-year cycle for major releases and there is a 
Hyperscaler SIG [hyper-sig] working on accelerated backports; including LTS 
kernel releases and core userland software such as systemd.  This is inline 
with Qubes' ~2±1 year release cadence.

* CentOS Stream is part of Red Hat's infrastructure modernization effort to 
create a continuous integration pipeline from Fedora to CentOS and its 
derivatives.  This effort *should* reduce the friction for getting packages 
available in Fedora to EPEL.

* CentOS Stream is intended to be as stable as RHEL proper.  Source and 
community rebuilds are available for the skiddish, however, Red Hat has 
expanded its free license tier to 16 production instances.  Qubes also 
probably qualifies for Red Hat's FOSS infrastructure program.  

* Fedora Silverblue, Fedora CoreOS, Fedora Minimal, and Red Hat's Universal 
Base Image are all freely available and competitive with other "minimal" 
distros in terms of TCB and feature set.  Rocky Linux confirmed over Matrix 
that RHCOS rebuilds are in the works.

While it will take time for this work to yield results, I was able to find 
many of the packages from fepitre’s copr repo in EPEL and AppStreams and 
the AltArch SIG apparently already carries a backported kernel.  I think 
it's worth exploring collaboration through the CentOS Special Interest 
Groups [sigs] and/or a custom [Fedora]/[CentOS]/[Silverblue] distro to 
expand the package availability and upstream maintenance. 

Sane people disagree, see [alt-thread] for caveats and spirited debate.  I 
hope this was helpful.

-Zach Lym

[hyper-sig]: https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Hyperscale
[sigs]: https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup
[Fedora]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Spins_Custom
[CentOS]: https://centos.org/variants/#making-variants

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