On 9/8/22 6:00 PM, Andrew David Wong wrote:
> On 9/7/22 6:30 PM, mm wrote:
>> [...]
>>>>> The following files will be retained at this stage, due to liquid 
>>>>> templating
>>>>> (needs some tweeking if
>>>>> one wishes to work with sphinx templating) and also these are perhaps also
>>>>> just part of the official website not the documenation as I see it at 
>>>>> least
>>>>> atm
>>>>> - https://www.qubes-os.org/hcl/
>>>>> - https://www.qubes-os.org/downloads/
>>>>> - https://www.qubes-os.org/security/xsa/
>>>>> - https://www.qubes-os.org/security/qsb/
>>>>> - https://www.qubes-os.org/security/canary/
>>>>> - https://www.qubes-os.org/security/pgp-keys/
>>>> Sounds fine. IMO those should be moved to the main repo. In fact, actual
>>>> data for those pages is already in the main repo (_data/), just not the
>>>> .md file...
>>> I think this goes back to the previous discussions we've had over the years 
>>> about how to organize website vs. doc content, and we landed on organizing 
>>> it this way for various reasons. I think one of those reasons was to have 
>>> everything that should be included in offline documentation in qubes-doc. 
>>> (So, even if the data is in `_data/`, the offline doc generation tool might 
>>> decide whether to include it based on whether the page referencing that 
>>> data is in qubes-doc or not.)
>>> Also, it might be a bit weird to have a page (/security/) in qubes-doc, 
>>> while its "subpages" are in the more general parent repo "above" it. So, 
>>> organizing based on semantic content vs. source file/data attributes will 
>>> get you different results.
>>> I'm sure there are many other considerations buried in our archives that 
>>> I'm forgetting now.
>> From my part what I see is more work. It dragged itself through the years 
>> enough :) (Of course that is also on me)
>> As soon as we get the localization workflow going and RTD is the way to go 
>> as discussed previously and is stable,
>> one can still play with sphinx templating and incorporate the above files in 
>> the RST documentation. I already tried it as a simple example it functions, 
>> but is frustrating, and rn I do not have the nerve to sit through this.
>> Perhaps some volunteers will come forward at the summit :)
> Ok, if it's too much trouble to get the tech working correctly, then that's 
> probably a good enough reason to just move these files. I don't mind.
>> Why I see them as a part of the website is the following: downloads, xsa, 
>> qsb, canary and pgp-keys are somewhat essential to security of the project, 
>> not truly documentation as I see it atm
> Well, I don't know if that holds for all of these, because at least some 
> parts of those pages are clearly documentation explaining what XSAs are, what 
> QSBs are, what canaries are, how we handle them, and so on.
> But the other technical reason you gave enough is a separate and probably 
> good enough on its own.
> Ok, I've just moved these pages to the main repo and deleted the ones we 
> don't need.
>> HCL is documentation yes, there I just make my life easier
> Yes, making life easier is probably more important at this stage. :)
> (Btw, I'm assuming you meant *not* documentation, since above you listed the 
> HCL page as one that you said *should* be moved to the main repo, which makes 
> sense because it is indeed "empty" with all the data stored elsewhere. So, 
> I've just moved it along with the others.)

Ah, I already see one side effect of moving these pages to the main repo: They 
can no longer appear in the doc index, probably because the script that 
populates the doc index only checks for files in qubes-doc, which is probably 
one of the reasons we had them there in the first place....

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