Am 02.11.23 um 19:25 schrieb mm:
Hey Tobi,

Hey m,

thank you for your email and the re-aliving the thread! :)

So, the current status is - the final rehearsal for the conversion of the documentation from markdown to rst was I think 2 weeks ago? It went well, meaning, at least from my pov there were no errors, that one should have dealt with.


When will it be completely finalized? - up to @marek and Qubes release/other time schedule?

The earlier the better.

The markdown to rst documentation can be found partly here: and There is no real write up :/

The code in this repo looks comprehensive. I didn't test it yet on my machine (TBD).

As of now there is no written up documentation about weblate, but there is/was a demo and I have a lot of mini how tos, for everything I tried out. It would be cumbersome to write it down :)  I could enhance the presentation pdf to incorporate more information, and publish it though if there is the need/wish to do so.

I think we only need to document Qubes-specific details about weblate.

Tbh, I would like to do that when the Qubes documentation is in Restructured text format and there is a decision - ok, Qubes is going to use weblate with an account or self-hosted, and then i would suggest a meeting online or live to discuss things, for which I would gladly prepare a README

I prefer email over online meetings but I'm open to be overruled.

What do you think?

All the best,


Best Regards,

On 8/2/23 19:50, Tobias Killer wrote:
Hi, folks,

after a long time of silence (sorry for that!), I'd like to participate in the translation issue again. :-)

What is the current state? What is already there and what is still missing?

I don't know what you think, but for me it's hard to see the whole. The translation issue started small (and I thought it would remain small), but now, I see many repositories, open pull requests and emails with dozens of different links to previews etc.

No offense! I'm very happy to see that the work had made progress by m (Thank you, m!). But now, I also feel like a stranger and I see a lot of work to read in order to setup my small brain to understand the huge current state (which is widely spreaded and doesn't seem to be documented up-to-date).

Am I exaggerating?

Maybe, I should first summarize the current state and write it down somewhere. Would that be useful? Or is there an up-to-date documentation?

Best regards,
Tobias Killer

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