On 06/09/2016 11:00 AM, Nicola Schwendener wrote:
Hello all,
I'm totally new to Qubes OS and I'm really fell in love. My 2 questions is about network connectivity. 1. there's a way to connect a switch with multiple VLAN in Trunk mode and let the templates work indipentently with a single VLAN? 2. there's a way to configure the template to use a Wireless LAN to connect to the internet while using the wired connection on other templates

thank you very much for your answer and for this fantastic project.
best regards

This should be possible to the extent that vlans are supported on Linux (or other guest OS). NetworkManager has VLAN support.

However, if you mean creating a virtual switch in a Qubes vm to operate one or more vlans, then I'd say you're better off creating a separate proxy vm for each "vlan" and telling it to permit traffic between vif interfaces.


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