On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 2:19:44 AM UTC-4, Alex wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I noticed that recently, when I restart an AppVM that used to have the
> KeePassX shortcut added to the application menu, said icon disappears
> from the AppVM menu and has to be re-added with the usual tool.
> Once added, the icon works properly again. I noticed (may or may not be
> related) that typing "keepassx" in the "Run command in VM" popup window
> (in Qubes VM Manager) does not start keepassx anymore (as it used to
> do), and it has to be started via the menu icon.
> I did not notice if this is related to an update of keepassx; my
> hypothesis is that an update changed the way keepassx has to be started,
> and somehow the dom0 shortcuts are not able to use the new method (maybe
> there is some dirty cache?). How can I investigate further to help
> identify the problem? Does it happen to anybody else?
> -- 
> Alex

I also noticed keepassx disappearing from the start menu recently and I had to 
add it back.  I haven't tried to start it from a terminal but I'll try later 
today and post back.

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