Ok, that looks normal. When you say DispVMs "do not launch," does that
just mean that nothing happens when you click the DispVM shortcuts in
the KDE launcher?

Is your default template fedora-23? Have you made any modifications to

What happens if you execute this command in dom0?

$ sh -c 'echo xterm | /usr/lib/qubes/qfile-daemon-dvm \
  qubes.VMShell dom0 DEFAULT red'

- --
Andrew David Wong (Axon)
Community Manager, Qubes OS

Hello yes nothing happens when I click the launcher. When I click the launcher it looks like DispVM is starting up, but never comes up.

As follows is the output after running the command
sh -c 'echo xterm | /usr/lib/qubes/qfile-daemon-dvm \qubes.VMShell dom0 DEFAULT red'
as you asked.

To answer your question on if I have customized my disposable vm or anything.
Only thing I did really, was three things when trying to get it to work.
First thing I did was qvm-prefs -s fedora-23-dvm maxmem 2048 (since I have read that in past disposable VM cannot handle more than 4GB RAM. I have 16 GB of ram)
Second thing I did was remove it using command: qvm-remove fedora-23-dvm
Then third thing I did was re-generate it using command: qvm-create-default-dvm --default-template --default-script

Also, can you please inform me exactly was this command you had me type is doing?
Thank you

[user@dom0 Documents]$ sh -c 'echo xterm | /usr/lib/qubes/qfile-daemon-dvm \qubes.VMShell dom0 DEFAULT red'
time=1466576745.19, qfile-daemon-dvm init
time=1466576745.2, creating DispVM
time=1466576745.25, collection loaded
time=1466576745.26, VM created
time=1466576745.36, VM starting
time=1466576745.36, creating config file
time=1466576745.57, calling restore
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/qubes/qfile-daemon-dvm", line 191, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/qubes/qfile-daemon-dvm", line 178, in main
    dispvm = qfile.get_dvm()
  File "/usr/lib/qubes/qfile-daemon-dvm", line 150, in get_dvm
    return self.do_get_dvm()
  File "/usr/lib/qubes/qfile-daemon-dvm", line 103, in do_get_dvm
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/qubes/modules/01QubesDisposableVm.py", line 193, in start
    domain_config, libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/libvirt.py", line 4405, in restoreFlags if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainRestoreFlags() failed', conn=self) libvirt.libvirtError: internal error: libxenlight failed to restore domain 'disp1'

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