Hi users of the Qubes Os list, 

This weekend I decided to install this Os that I have been following for a 
while . 
After trying once, without spending too much time (1h) and fail to install, I 
decided to give it another try. 

I spend the weekend trying to figure how to install the system. Here is my 
feedback and my errors because unfortunately I could not make it work . 

1- Install media : USB 

I did use an USB Key for my installation media. 

First problem, my computer (Toshiba Satellite P50) use EFI 
I'm aware 3.0 does not support EFI , I did try 3.1 and 3.2-rc3 
Both case , dd if=image of=/dev/usb boot to a grub shell 

So to get from grub shell to grub install : 

set root=hd0.1 
linuxefi /EFI/BOOT/vmlinuz root=live:/dev/sdb1 
initrdefi /EFI/BOOT/initrd.img 

That, gave me the possibilité to boot the installer and "install" the OS 

2- USB key cannot be use as the installation media 
If I want to use the usb as the install media, that is what is expected, here 
is the error : 

Installation Source : 
Error setting up base repository 

So, yes, not possible to use the USB key as the source of the installation 

I have to use another USB-KEY with the Qubes Os iso file , plugged at the right 
time to be able to use it. 

3- Installation process lead to no-bootable device 

I tried automatic partitionning, manual partitionning , btrfs or ext4 
partition, nothing 
After the installation ends , disk boot failure, please insert ... 

But, 2 times, over maybe 10 , I have got the system booting after the 
installation end. And the only two times it worked , the boot process crashed 
and could not boot the device anymore 

4- Installation finished, boot with the usb-key plugged in to get a grub 
terminal and boot my Qubes Os with grub shell command 

So yes, this is all it take to me to boot up the system 
Some will say that it's a good security to avoid anyone booting the system, but 
I would like to have a normal boot process :) 

5- Not able to finalise installation 

At the first boot, QubesOs ask for the first configuration . 
In my case 100% of the time I could get to this operation failed with the error 
that you can see on that picture : 


So the installation first configuration process crash, I can't do it. 

After , I'm able to login with my user into dom-0 
Inside dom-0 I cannot do anything because the configuration does not exist and 
because I don't know what to do to solve that. 

I don't really know if all of this is "hardware specific" issues, but I don't 
think so. 
The computer is few years old 
The disk is an SSD brand new 

The installation process does everything correctly , I mean no errors and 
"normal" process that lead to a disk boot failure . 
I can see the disk have the bootable flag , /boot partition is here /boot/efi 
partition too 

I someone have any suggestion I'll be happy to try it 
stable version 3.1 and 3.2 have exactly the same behavior 
3.2 does not allow BTRFS partitioning so I went for ext4 

I hope the feedback will give some input to QubesOs team and others users 


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