Am 14.09.2016 um 23:16 schrieb Marek Marczykowski-Górecki:
> > Ok, as everybody was looking for a problem, I finally found one.
> I've been
> > bitten by this
> >
> ("/etc/resolv.conf
> > missing once NetworkManager is stopped") and don't really know how
> to deal
> > with it right now in a way that does not require quite a bit of work.
> > Marek? Is NetworkManager necessary for a happy AppVM? Does anybody
> know what
> > this is good for and how to counter it?
> No, it shouldn't be needed in AppVM, only in NetVM.

Nevertheless I've been bitten by this nonsense for some unknown reason;
maybe I've awoken some mummy in its grave when I added NM-based things
to the template in order to create a vpn proxy VM. No matter why, it
might be a good idea to add


to the [main] section of NetworkManager.conf to avoid running into it
suddenly. For something as unclean as a standard Linux system it is
ridiculous to suddenly start symlinking files around (and the generating
conflcts between systemd and NetworkManager – didn't anyone learn
anything from Apple's early problems with launchd?).


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