Network Manager 1.4.2 has been testing very well for me the last few days...

This new version appears to randomize MAC addresses properly, and the feature set has evolved to the point where the randomization process is managed in a more holistic way. For example, you can specify a cloned-mac-address type of 'stable', and this will generate a random MAC (for a given access point) and store it for use with the same AP in the future. Setting it to 'random' will generate a random MAC each time it connects, instead of remembering the address. You can also specify bitmasks for randomization.

When disconnected, the MAC is changed regularly at a set interval. Randomizing also works for ethernet, and is handled entirely by NM just like it is now for wifi.

The network-manager 1.4.2 package is in Debian unstable repo and its not hard to install in Debian stretch/9. I do recommend removing your old NM connection profiles after upgrading, as randomization (while connected) didn't work for me until I started with fresh connection settings (created a new netvm). After installing, edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf in the template and add lines like:



Then stop the template and restart the netvm.

More details here:
man nm-settings


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