On Wednesday, November 16, 2016 at 2:12:37 PM UTC-5, Loren Rogers wrote:
> What's a good approach for regular backups?
> Does Qubes have a simple way of automatically saving VM snapshots? And, 
> is there a way to do this incrementally? I assume not, since the 
> encryption would block it?

you can encrypt the volume and put snapshots on that. maybe the future of 

till then i use a script from dom0,
qvm-run backupkeeper "rm -rf QubesIncoming/*"
for i in `cat backuplist`;do qvm-run $i "qvm-copy-to-vm backupkeeper .";done

then rdiff-backup QubesIncoming /run/media/user/.../backups/rdiff

this way, the same drive can also keep appvm snapshots.
backupkeeper is just an appvm with no network access and a lot of space. the 
usb disks are setup with cryptsetup, ext4 and a backups folder owned by user. 
the first line is to get rid of old backups. qvm-copy-to-vm wont let you 

its no TimeMachine, and deleting and copying entire folders is inefficient. but 
does the job and easy to recover on any linux system.

would be nice to be able to initiate the file copy from dom0 and auto allow it. 
then it could run in the background. 

> Thanks,
> Loren

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