On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 5:54 PM, Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)
<rud...@rudd-o.com> wrote:
> On your Bluetooth VM (usually a USBVM), run Blueproximity, and have
> Blueproximity invoke a custom /etc/qubes-rpc/pixelfairy.Lock service on
> dom0 which you will need to write yourself.  It's a one-liner service:

You may also wish to have dom0 periodically try to invoke a service in
the bluetoothvm which interacts somehow with the bluetooth device,
such that a denial of service on your bluetooth vm (e.g. crashing
blueproximity) does not lead to a failure to lock.

What period this polling needs to happen at to lock your device in a
reasonable time if your bluetooth vm does stop operating correctly is
up to you.

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