On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 02:52:12PM -0600, Jake wrote:
> hello list,
> i have taken a R3.1 system installed from the ISO and attempted to upgrade
> it to R3.2 by following the instructions from the docs (
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/upgrade-to-r3.2/ ), but i have encountered an
> unusually irritating problem in the process: after getting to step 7 of the
> dom0 upgrade, the machine was rebooted and i cannot log into dom0 using the
> password that worked fine with R3.1. i am 100% certain that this is not a
> PEBCAK error and that my previously working password for dom0 is no longer
> working.
> that said, this is typically an easy enough problem to fix on most *nix
> systems: drop to single user mode during boot and reset the password for
> root or whatever user. i have searched the qubes-users archives, found no
> advice on how to do this and had no luck trying this myself. i have used the
> install ISO to boot into "rescue mode", manually mounted the LUKS volume and
> attempted to reset the password to no avail. it would appear that the passwd
> installed in dom0 does not support the -R option, nor does passwd work
> properly inside a chroot, e.g. mount / filesystem on /mnt, run 'chroot /mnt'
> and run 'chroot <username>'.
> if there is a trick to interrupting the qubes boot process to drop into
> single user mode, i would greatly appreciate someone sharing that
> information. it seems the issue is that this must occur between unlocking
> the LUKS volume and arriving at the password prompt for dom0.
> regards,
> jake

Hi Jake

Sorry to hear of your problem. I havent encountered this in a number of

If you want to use a chroot, then you need to do something like this:
Mount the decrypted disk to /mnt
$ sudo mount ‐‐bind /dev /mnt/dev
$ sudo mount ‐‐bind /proc /mnt/proc
$ sudo mount ‐‐bind /sys /mnt/sys
Then chroot, and the passwd command should work within the chroot.

(If you've already tried this, apologies - it isnt clear from your


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